


The question is not how can you love Alber Elbaz, it is how can you not? I declare if my boyfriend decided to dress up like him I would not protest I would be ecstatic. Of course I know and understand that all fashion bloggers and H & M hoarders love this Lanvin collaboration a lot. But when I realized the good news dontcha know I peed a little lol. Way excited.When I grow up I want to be him except myself.Anyway I probably will not stand in any lines in the cold for a piece from the collection but when I do get my paws on one of these pieces I will be sure to take a lot of photographs in it as I will probably be feeling like Elizabeth Taylor glamorous. In the mean time theses little clues to the collection and collaborations hitting the net are fun too... Enjoy


Keep STylin
@iZmagazine on Twitter

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