

i know people all over the world have mourned the death of fashion dynamo Alexander McQueen. i did not know him. i loved him it not hard perhaps odd but not hard. he was an artist. i believe in a life of creativity and being yourself. he is in the top 10 reasons i spent so much money on fashion school. i like how bold his brand is. i bought a bunch of pieces from target i didn't like because i love A McQueen. i will post a favorite quote of his on my blog.not to be selfish but it always really sucks when someone you always wanted to work for or with dies.i think its very awkward to mourn someone's death you never knew. Is it really genuine or are you doing it because it was something we were all taught to do as children. Never the less he seemed like a good guy... and had a very inspiring fashion image. thanks

"it's a new era in fashion- there are no rules"
-Alexander McQueen

Keep Stylin

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